ACLS SQL6.4.x bug-fixes and new features: 1. Provision of public resource catalogue URL on Resources Tab, admin only.The public URL can be used for institute website to public access of resource catalogue. 2. Use reg ref as ref ID for new user registration and relevant documents 3. Restrict general staff access to the following staff utilities: - access group manager - account manager - doc repository manager - form repository manager - school manager - supervisor manager 4. Restrict general staff abilit to change user profile: - profile tab 5. Consumable tab: change to my order as the landing page 6. Supervisor manager: - search box: set as a separate section - search result: add title column as separate one from the supervisor name 7. Update all scripts for image and photo upload - resource image - sample image - consumable image - user photo - reg user photo 8. DEAKIN: bug fix for "valid to expiry date" setting in resource manager/edit resource profile/certificate profile 9. RIMS: modifications as per RIMS proposal. 10. MCN: modifications as per MCN proposal. 11. NIF: modifications as per NIF proposal. 12. Email server 1.0.58: - MCN: modifications as per MCN proposal. - NIF: modifications as per NIF proposal.