ACLS SQL6.8.x bug-fixes and new features: 1. ACLS tracker desktop app v0.10: - new feature: logoff tracker and also auto-logoff Windows account. this is optional seting in resource manager -> desktop tracker app - new feature: run built-in sensor app to scan the computer once a day, refer to sensor app guide for the details 2. ACLS sensor desktop app v2.0: - go live, refer to sensor app guide for the details 3. Consumable module: - add non-category consumable tile to the search/edit landing page - change search from case sensitive to non-case sensitive - bug fix: correct the wrong consumable number in each consumable category 4. Invoice summary: - restore account column to the summary table 5. Online reg alert: - fix the spelling error 6. UI change: - header UI change - booking landing page: highlight today appointments and bookings, add date and day display 7. Labcast module: fix the bug for labcast share, admin staff only 8. User profile: fix the bug for the wrong update to user last access time while admin updates the user profile 9. PHP8 engine: replace php.ini to include PDO module 10. ANFFUQ: - bug fix: search funciton in supervisor manager - bug fix: missing institute name in supervisor search result table - Align the UI for online reg form with the standard version UI 10. NIF: - post-production changes